About Paradangking

This blog is actively created just about one year ago, but because of  "inadequacy of knowledge about what?why?who?when?whose? i'm going to write about then i have no idea..."so i just let this blog about seven months without any new news and anything else can be share with. Then now i returned trying to improve my Paradangking Blog. In this blog i'm using a mix language style but it's alright, don't worry as long you can understand what on it. I mean mixs is Mix Dusun [my ethnic, http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kadazan-Dusun], Bahasa Melayu [http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahasa_Melayu], and English. This blog is all about "Anything that goes in my mind and I think it is something interesting and want to share with all". Then The Most important is about "My Hometown Kampung bongol Tamparuli Sabah".

yehaa!! Aramai tie!Peace to the Word.

Village Boy'S iS CoOl Yaa!!